
Brahmacharini Aashraya is the new resident teacher of Chinmaya Mission Melbourne.
From the young age of three, Brni. Aashraya has been part of the Chinmaya Mission Melbourne family. Her time in Balavihar helped her develop a deep appreciation for the Hindu culture, while attending the Junior CHYK classes and being an active CHYK member equipped her with the tools, based on the philosophy of Vedanta, to navigate her way through life.
Brni. Aashraya approaches all activities with enthusiasm and dedication. She was School Captain in Year 12, led and directed Melbourne Swaranjali, and even competed at a national level in rowing! She also volunteered abundantly to assist disadvantaged youth in their goals of completing tertiary education, all while being an active contributor to the programs and activities of Chinmaya Mission. Melbourne. Brni. Aashraya graduated with First Class Honours in the Bachelor of Biomedical Engineering at RMIT University.
Having explored the best of what life has to offer, Brni. Aashraya felt a growing sense of incompleteness within. She then decided to enrol in the 18 th Batch of the Vedanta Course in English taught by Pujya Guruji Swami Tejomayanadaji. The Vedanta Course offered in Sandeepany Sadhanalaya, Mumbai, India is a two-year residential course during which students study Advaita Vedanta. In this ‘modern-day Gurukula’, students withdraw fully from worldly life and follow a disciplined schedule of classes and activities in anashram setting to facilitate learning, reflection, and contemplation.
Having successfully completed the Vedanta course, Brni. Aashraya has chosen to lead a monastic life of study and sadhana and has been posted to Melbourne to share her knowledge. She is very happy to be serving in the centre that she grew up in and looks forward to connecting with the widerChinmaya Mission Melbourne family through regular classes, workshops, camps, and retreats.