Swami Chinmayananda’s 108th Jayanti



Weekly Wisdom and Works inspired by Swami Chinmayananda

Gurudev quotes and Chinmaya Mission initiatives from around the world

Week 15 (28th Apr - 08th May)

"The true devotee is advised to surrender at the feet of the Lord through prayer so that the nobler and the diviner in him, which is lying dormant now, may come to manifest."

What is that Gurudev so compassionately shares with all of us? The key to lasting happiness, a snippet of which is captured here!

Key to lasting happiness

Week 14 (21st Apr - 27th Apr)

"Do your best, leave the rest!"

Enjoy Gurudev's pearls of wisdom everyday with a new beautifully presented quote released daily on ChinmayaChannel

Pearls of Wisdom

Week 13 (14th April - 20th April)

"Love is a consistent passion to give, not a meek persistent hope to receive. The only demand of life is the privilege to love all."

See how elegantly Gurudev shows us how to be the master of our own mind and happiness here!

Master the mind

Week 12 (07th Apr - 13th Apr)

"Always learn to put your mind where your hands are working"

What is Vedanta? Why is it relevant to me? Relish in this explanation given by Swami Chinmayananda!

About Vedanta

Week 11 (31st Mar - 06th Apr)

"The future is carved out of the present moment. Tomorrow's harvest depends upon today's ploughing and sowing"

What to do when life seems to throw you up only to come crashing down? Listen here as Swami Chinmayananda humorously enlightens us!

Equanimity of mind

Week 10 (24th Mar - 30th Mar)

"In all adversities there is always in its depth a treasure of spiritual blessings secretly hidden"

Have you ever felt like the spiritual path isn't for you? Listen how Swami Chinmayananda explains that no matter what your temperament, the right spiritual path for you is expounded in the Bhagavad-Gita here

3 Yogas for 3 Different Temperaments

Week 9 (17th Mar - 23rd Mar)

"We may often give without love but we can never love without giving"

Learn from Gurudev how to face, whatever the world gives you, with a smile like Bhagavan Sri Krishna

Click here

Week 8 (10th Mar - 16th Mar)

"God Alone IS: the concept of “I” is a stupid dream. Surrender & Realize"

Be inspired by these simple but powerful words from the international head of Chinmaya Mission, Swami Swaroopananda in relation to the Infinite love and presence of Gurudev

Click here

Week 7 (03rd Mar - 09th Mar)

"Any degree of surrender unto God is an elevation in the status of the Soul"

Enjoy listening to Gurudev speaking in Australia

Week 6 (25th Feb - 02nd Mar)

"Do not go to the peak to meditate. Reach the peak in meditation"

Have you ever had challenges with meditation? Allow Gurudev to guide you through the first steps of meditation, here!

Click here

Week 5 (18th Feb - 24th Feb)

"Whenever I slip outside I fall. When I slip inside I rise."

Which of Swami Chinmayananda's 108 names speaks most to you? Hear Gurudev Himself explain the essence of each name in this YouTube series

Click here

Week 4 (11th Feb - 17th Feb)

"Let the mind run. You don't run....Stay put as the Changeless in the midst of all change."

Get a daily dose of the master expounding on the TIMELESS wisdom in the Bhagavat Gita with Gita Capsules from ChinmayaChannel on YouTube

Click here

Week 3 (4th Feb - 10th Feb)

"Don’t put the key to your happiness in someone else’s pocket"

How much do you know about Gurudev's life? Absorb your mind in this INCREDIBLE recount of Swami Chinmayananda's spiritual evolution with Chinmaya Mission Orlando's documentary series on the life of Swami Chinmayananda

Click here

Week 2 (28th Jan - 3rd Feb)

"What we have is a gift from Him. What we do with what we have is our gift to him"

Offer your gratitude to Swami Chinmayananda with a short daily paduka puja for you AND your family in this auspicious 108 day lead up to Gurudev’s 108th Jayanti! Follow the links below:

Pooja Workshop Video, and
Instructions document

Week 1 (21st Jan - 27th Jan)

"The actions of today become the destiny of tomorrow."


Jnana Yajna – A 108 Day Pilgrimage with Swami Chinmayananda

Starting on 22 January 2024
The update will be released at 6.00 PM IST daily
Ending on 8 May 2024

https://www.chinmayaarchives.com https://www.youtube.com/user/ChinmayaChannel https://www.instagram.com/swami_chinmayananda

Pujya Gurudev gave us His best. As part of our grateful tribute to Him in His 108th year, to bring glory to His name and to further spread His vision, do share the accompanying flyer with all your contacts.